Thursday, September 16, 2010


The fact that we are putting on some soap and wiping the dishes does not say that we are making them clean, even if we use the best and most expensive detergent, and even if we use our best energy. Good resources and big efforts alone do not lead us to our destination. We need to stay focus on our goals in every single action we do. Remember to live out our life on glorious purposes! 
The fact that we are helping the poor does not say that we love them. Only God and we know exactly what is inside our heart. Our good actions alone may only be valuable to others. Do those actions please God? The answer to that question requires a thorough investigation on the motive behind the actions. Remember to live out our life with sincere motivation! 
The fact that we are watching and playing soccer does not say that we love soccer. Love requires high commitment and practice. To love someone is to committ ourselves to him or her with right and excellent deeds. We never give second quality presents to the one we love. Remember to live out our life with high commitment and great actions! 
The fact that we are doing spiritual businesses does not say that we are spiritual. Subsequently, we are not righteous because of saying the truths alone. We are righteous by presenting a righteous life before God and others. Remember to live out our life with character and integrity!