Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Jim Collins writes three amazing books: Built to Last, Good to Great, How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some companies never give in. In those three books, he presents the results of his research on so many different companies.  Collins did a spectacular analysis to differentiate between ordinary and extra-ordinary companies. The extra-ordinary ones have been able to survive for many years including in the period of world financial crisis. Collins finds noble values behind surviving great companies. Collins’ analysis has been widely used not only by secular companies and organizations, but also by religious institutions, and also by so many Christian churches.

As I read Luke 11.17-18, my wild imagination arrived in a recommendation that the kingdom of B.....b (Satan) should be one of the strongest candidates to be nominated as one of the most solid organizations or companies in this world. The kingdom of B.....b has been existing before Adam. For thousands of years, this kingdom of B.....b has been faithful to its products (sins and temptations) with consistent quality. Do we realize how successful this kingdom of B.....b has been along the way in the history of the world and the history church in particular. The key, Jesus said in verse 18 is UNITY. The golden rule ‘United We Stand’ finds its foundation in Jesus’ comment on the kingdom of B.....b in Luke 11.18. 

The wild imagination of mine went further saying, ‘If we want to learn how to practice unity, do not learn it from the church, but learn it from the kingdom of B....b. Am I right? Has not the church been known and recognized by the world as an organization characterized by conflicts and disunity? This post is not written with a purpose of glorifying the kingdom of B.....b, nor do I intend to denigrate the church. This post however is a reflection on how deep we as believers in Christ have fallen into the spirit (sin) of jealousy, rivalry and hatred.

Now, our homework is to creating, maintaining, nurturing and growing a unity in our family, our local church and the church worldwide through both small and big things we do and we do not do; and through both small and big ideas we do say and we do not say. Unity is probably one of the most powerful elements in a strong family and local church. Only by unity, the lord said, WE WILL STAND. Readers: I invite all of us to say, to commit and to do one little thing to strengthened the unity in our family, our local church and in worldwide church.