Wednesday, November 09, 2011


Reading two (2) classic books. One is a biography of a man of faith and miracles: George Muller (author: Basil Miller). The other is a full academic treatment on the historical Jesus by James M. Robinson (A New Quest of the Historical Jesus and Other Essays) (August 1, 2011)

One of the most important and strongest messages to the evangelicals who desire to live fruitfully in this 21st Century Post Christendom Era (from one of the most respected and influential Christian leaders: John Stott) (August 1, 2011)
'Strong men or women cannot be hurt - only they can be broken' (Prasadja, August 4,  2011)

I traveled from Vancouver, BC to Portland, OR via Interstate 5: Last Tuesday with my family and fifteen years ago alone (Prasadja, August 13, 2011)
'Failure to discern the time is according to Jesus fatal' (a lesson from Luke 12.54-56) (Prasadja, August 14, 2011)
'On one of his sermons, Rev. Dr. Myles Munroe argued rightly that in the 21st Century, the church needs (1) wisdom; (2) an integrated perspective; (3) skill; (4) a relevant mission; and (5) diplomacy. These five elements will ensure the church to engage with and to bring about impact to the society effectively ' (Prasadja, August 14, 2011)
'Jesus said: 'I came to send fire on the earth' (Lk 12.49) Biblical fire may be a symbol of judgment, purification, passion for ministry, the Holy Spirit, and the presence of God. In all possibilities, fire is positive for believers in Christ' (Prasadja, August 14, 2011)
'The unfortunate people are those who live in the wrong season' (Prasadja, August 19, 2011)
'Forgiveness is possible, but with a boundary: Don't hurt me!' (Tatum O'Neal). What do you think? (August 23, 2011)
The late afternoon sunshine came through our window, and the curtain formation created stripes on our love seat (August 27, 2011)
'The chance to see a crisis is golden opportunity to develop passion and responsibilities for success' (Prasadja, August 28, 2011)
'Love is the greatest family tradition' (Barney on Family Tradition) (August 30, 2011)