the US, today is established as National Honesty Day to honor the
honorable and to encourage honesty. Honesty is not easy as it seems, but
we please God by striving for it. My prayer: Lord, help me to be honest
and true in all that I say and in all that I do; give me courage to do
what is right, to bring the world a glimpse of your light (ODB-Fasick)' (Prasadja, April 29, 2010)
'Are difficulties and challenges a grace or a thread?' (Prasadja, May 16, 2010)
'Staying in the same room with my college roommate some 19 years ago - what a touching moment in an island West of Sumatra' (Prasadja, May 25, 2010)
'Today three years ago, Moravidelita El Nitya was delivered. We miss her and we love her so much!' (Prasadja, May 25, 2010)
'Dosa yang paling besar di tengah-tengah bangsa ini adalah kemunafikan' (Hotman Paris Hutapea on 'Advokat Hitam' (May 27, 2010)
Reading 'Seeking the Identity of Jesus: a Pilgrimage' (eds: Richard Hays and Beverly Gaventa) (Prasadja, May 30, 2010)
Out of the blue while having dinner, Keiko asked, 'Dad, will I still be your princess if I were fat?' (June 3, 2010)
'Why do I eat cold rice?' (June 14, 2010)
My Birthday in Kupang - with my former students (Prasadja, June 17, 2010)
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