I now start to collect what I have been writing in my FB wall, and share them with you readers on a monthly basis. I begin with May 2011.
we stand!" If we want to be united, do not learn it from the church,
but from the kingdom of Be........b. Am I correct in interpreting and
understanding Luke 11.17-18? For thousand of years this kingdom of
Be......b has been standing and tirelessly delivering products with
consistent quality. The key is, Jesus said, UNITY' (Prasadja, May 3, 2011)
one serve God without ego and self interest? I am curious to know what
the real meaning of love and service are' (Prasadja, May 6, 2011)
'Looking forward to read Jimmy Dunn's most recent publication: Jesus, Paul and the Gospel. Great book written by great scholar' (Prasadja, May 7, 2011)
'Is your mother happy on Mother's Day?' (Prasadja, May 8, 2011)
miss it: Mama Mary and Son Jesus were in dialogue of choosing the best
wine to serve at the wedding feast in Cana. And they both did a great
job according to John 2.10. This is a post that will entertain us with
biblical truth: refreshing yet challenging. And also a tribute to
mothers all over the earth' (May 11, 2011)
'Three most recent posts on Luke 11.14-23 (JESUS AND BEELZEBUB) are available at http://prasadja.blogspot.com/. I did some revisions on them. They are wild but constructive!' (Prasadja, May 11, 2011)
me, the most difficult period of life has not been failures, but time
when to hope is no longer possible' (Prasadja, May 11, 2011)
'Like mother like daughter' - by Keiko (May 11, 2011)
’Today will kill me not regardless how bad it is, since I desire to see a brighter tomorrow’ (Prasadja, May 11, 2011).
was terrified of reading this, "And the last state of that man is worse
than the first" (Luke 11.26c - NKJV). Trembling, I asked myself: Will I
be that man? - My humble prayer: God, guide and protect me!' (Prasadja,
May 16, 2011)
always have a choice: to do good or to do a better one. I always have a
choice: to give or to give more. I always have a choice: to love others
halfheartedly or to love others wholeheartedly' (Prasadja, May 17, 2011)
did a review on "The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and
Theology in Honor of Richard B. Hays" (Eds: J. R. Wagner, C. K. Rowe, A.
K. Grieb). Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2008 (710pp) (Prasadja, May 18, 2011)
nice reunion with high school mates: Krisman and Claudia (downtown
Vancouver) - after not seeing one another for more than 23 years (May 19, 2011)
You are surrounded by nothing ..... but love,' said Tom Hanks to Oprah
Winfrey at farewell celebration of the OW talk show (May 20, 2011)
one says: "I have no intention to be arrogant" - but he has been
big-headed; "I have no intention to judge" - but he has been condemning;
"I am objective" - but he has always been subjective; "I am doing well"
- but he has been severely hurt' (Prasadja, May 20, 2011; you are free to
change the hes to shes)
thought alone does not make us righteous, if it is not accompanied by
good deeds. Evil thought alone however is enough to make us unrighteous'
(Prasadja, May 22, 2011)
'Maintaining, nurturing and improving unity is the energy of a winning team' (Prasadja, May 22, 2011)
To tell you the truth: 'Anything that places God as the priority is always great and will never go wrong' (Prasadja, May 23, 2011)
battle of minds: Life in the Spirit according to Romans 8.5-8. Readers,
to what direction do you set on your minds, and how do you operate them
in day to day life? And at the end of the day, we all need to ensure
the compatibility of our minds in God's global economy!' (Prasadja, May 23, 2011)
on Life in the Spirit according to Romans 8.1-4. Readers, I only want
to share a good news delivered by God through his only Son: 'If you
believe in Christ Jesus, there is now no more condemnation!' Rejoice in
the lord and be joyful always!' (Prasadja, May 23, 2011)
judgment often comes with wrong content, wrong motif (i.e. jealousy,
self righteous, pride) and wrong mode of delivery - this is a
devastating activity to the victim, to the actor, and to the
relationship between the two' (Prasadja, May 25, 2011)
salvation is offered by God's amazing grace; It is made possible
through the death of Christ who is also God himself; And God the Holy
Spirit secures the promise until the consummation of the eternal glory
before the Triune God. This amazing cycle shows God's powerful,
wonderful and complete plan of salvation' (Prasadja, May 25, 2011)
sin always slaves and condemns us, the Spirit of God assures us of our
new status and privilege as children of God' (Prasadja, May 26, 2011).
'Genuine reconciliation restores broken relationship and maturing parties in conflict' (Prasadja, May 26, 2011)
or three years ago, I read a book "12 Leadership Principles" from
Gallups Survey, saying that three most difficult positions are 1) head
of a country; 2) president of a university; and 3) pastor of a church'
(Prasadja, May 28, 2011)
'Do we really need a church? Or is the world really in need of a church?' (Prasadja, May 28, 2011)
good friend of mine who is a pastor quoted Rick Warren, saying 'Your
greatest ministry will likely come out of your greatest hurt.' I replied
saying, 'Your greatest hurt will likely come out of your (greatest)
ministry' (Prasadja, May 29, 2011)
is the end - for me the beginning of life' (Dietrich Bonhoeffer to
Bishop of Chichester, George Bell via Payne Best days before the
execution) (May 31, 2011)
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