Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Six Signs of Hypocrisy (Luke 11.37-54): (1) Focusing on rituals, but ignoring the real meaning behind the rituals; (2) Acting motivated by pride - not sincerity; (3) Promising but not delivering - life without impact; (4) Speaking boldly, but doing nothing; (5) Showing goodness, but attacking from the back; (6) Knowing the knowledge (truth), but disobeying it - and even preventing others to follow that truth (Prasadja, July 4, 2011)
'Three most vulnerable groups of people of being trapped into the sins of hypocrisy: (1) Religious leaders; (2) Political Leaders; (3) Celebrities/Public Figures' (Prasadja, July 4, 2011)
'We may have never been committing to crime, but we most likely have committed to the sins of hypocrisy. If you say 'NO' - at least you did once!' (Prasadja, July 4, 2011)
'I can teach you about changing' (Keiko said to me this morning, July 8, 2011) - and she literally does!
'You are not really a pastor - you are my dad' - Keiko said to me this morning (July 8, 2011)
'When you are in under pressure situation with insurmountable problems, remember: (1) Those problems can only kill your physical body at worst. Those problems do not have power and authority beyond that physical death' - My interpretation on Luke 12.4-5 (Prasadja, July 10, 2011)
'When you are in under pressure situation with insurmountable problems, remember: (2) God is always with you. To God, you are too precious to be neglected. His eye is on you' - My interpretation on Luke 12.6-7 (Prasadja, July 10, 2011)
'When you are in under pressure situation with insurmountable problems, remember: (3) Do not loose your faith! Be faithful in Christ Jesus' - My interpretation on Luke 12.8-9 (Prasadja, July 10, 2011) 
'When you are in under pressure situation with insurmountable problems, remember: (4) The Holy Spirit will guide you, lead you and teach you with heavenly wisdom on what you should say and what you should do' - My interpretation on Luke 12.10-12 (Prasadja, July 10, 2011)
Some twenty two years ago this month, I reached for the first time the capital city of North Sumatra: Medan. I love the city for its cultural-ethnic diversity, great food and the unique Becak-Motor. This visit also marks my first sermon delivered in the context of a Sunday worship service (in Berastagi though - July 1989) (July 16, 2011)
'Two of the easiest and most common things to do in life are complaining upon our non-ideal situation and judging on others' weaknesses. But to tell you the truth: they are not precious!' (Prasadja, July 16, 2011) 
To me, this certainly is the best rare performance of Michael Jackson. Listen to the lyric of the song: the words are so touching. I have been listening to this song hundred of times since 1990 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjmalHcQh54)
'If the verbal word 'love' as Diana Ross says is so powerful, the action verb 'to love' should therefore be even more powerful' (http://prasadja.blogspot.com/2​011/07/diana-ross-when-you-tel​l-me-that-you_20.html) (July 19, 2011)
I hope and pray that Charming Elliott will grow to be a simple and humble gentleman, but firm and strong in faith (July 25, 2011)
God is so good. After more than forty years living on earth, I and also my family had the opportunity for the first time to see with our own eyes God's famous creation: 'Blueberry' trees and flowers (http://prasadja.blogspot.com/2​011/07/blueberry-gods-famous-c​reation.html) (July 26, 2011)
My story with bottles and cans for recycle: 'For the opportunity to care for the environment, to help the lady cleaning up her house, and to treat my family with refreshment, I thanked God' (http://prasadja.blogspot.com/2​011/07/bottles-and-cans-for-re​cycle.html) (July 26, 2011)
'I am convinced even more today that according to human vocabulary, there is no instantaneous forgiveness. Forgiveness is an endless process, and knows no limit of sacrifice' (Prasadja, July 27, 2011)
RIP: John R. W. Stott passed away this morning (27 April 1921 - 27 July 2011)
'The one who loves you most is likely the one who hurts you most' (Prasadja, July 28, 2011)
In the right season, sweet Cherry are plenty here. We enjoy them so much (Prasadja, July 29, 2011)
'Love is so splendid and noble in its ability to embrace hurt and pain' (Prasadja, July 29, 2011)
Pure, simple and gorgeous - as always: Water Lily (Prasadja, July 30, 2011)