Friday, December 07, 2007

Beatitude in Psalm 1

Joy or happy or blessed are those who do not follow…, who do not stand around…, and who do not join in… The state of our blessedness is determined by at least three factors: (1) our orientation, (2) our position, and (3) our community. If our orientation is to listen to the advice of the wicked, then we will not enjoy the fullness of God’s blessing. The same devastating result will happen if we invite and allow ourselves to continually live around the sinners. And still, God’s blessing is far away for those who enjoy the fellowship with scoffers. Now let us review our lives! What is the direction of our life? In what kind of place do we enjoy to live our life? And with whom do we enjoy to live our life?

Happiness, joyfulness and blessedness are to be found in listening and obeying the will of God stated through His words in all times (lit: the Torah). Happiness, joyfulness and blessedness are according to verse 3: a sufficient life (v. 3a), an effective life (v. 3b), an efficient life (v. 3c), and a successful and prosperous life (v. 3d). A tree planted along the riverbank will sufficiently live forever. A tree that bears fruit each season is an effective tree. A tree with leaves that never wither is an efficient tree in using the water and solar energy around. And finally whatever the righteous does, it will result in success.

On the contrary, for those who do not listen and obey God’s word, happiness, joyfulness and blessedness should not even be their dream. They are worthless and nothing (worth of nothing) (v. 4); they will be judged, condemned, punished and placed separately from the righteous (the happy, the joyful and the blessed) (v. 5).

The true power however lies not on human decision but on Yahweh’s. The Lord watches, guides and protects the path of the righteous. All happiness, joyfulness and blessedness come from the Lord. The path of the wicked, on the other hand, leads to destruction, partly because without listening and obeying God’s word we are lost from blessing, and partly because without listening and obeying His word, come the judgment of God.