Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A. J. Cronin on God's Perfect Ways

Upon my arrival from Germany in 2001, my father asked me to read a beautiful poem by A. J. Cronin. This poem is truly a wonderful treasure to me. In a line with that poem, few weeks ago, a friend of mine shared in the office chapel her reflection on what she called as 'trusting God.' Both the poem and the reflection confirm and uncover what God has been recently showing me through dreams. They teach me that in all situation whether it is good or bad, it is always appropriate to say, 'It is up to you God. Lead me according to your perfect way, though it may sound silly according to my own judgment.' Do enjoy Cronin's poem below:

Life is no straight and easy corridor

along which we travel

free and unhampered,

but a maze of passages,

through which we must seek our way,

at times, lost and confused,

now and again checked in a blind alley.

But always, if we have faith,

a door will open for us,

not perhaps one that we ourselves

would ever have thought of,

but one that will ultimately

prove good for us


gegeng said...

saya baru baca 'puisi'nya mas, rasanya pas dengan apa yang sedang Tuhan kerjakan hari2 ini kpd saya...GBU

Ery Prasadja said...

Sama dong

Maura said...

Saya baru baca juga pak..what a beautiful n powerful words..
saya nemu puisi ini waktu baca "Who moved my cheese"

Its really lift my spirit up!!

Thanks God who works in very amazing ways..

Ery Prasadja said...

Maura ini siapa ya? Kalau boleh tahu. Thanks