When the wall of rejection seems to be so high and thick, what normally people do? First, some people may return home and cancel the mission, saying: it is not possible and it is not doable. I am not strong enough to realize the dream. In boxing vocabulary, we call it as being 'knocked out' - I am not willing to face such difficult realities. Please give me something lighter to do. The obstacles have shifted the mission and the ultimate goal set by the board. In reality, not few people have run away from the calling of God because of the demands and the consequences are very high (Lk 9.62). They were on fire at the beginning, unfortunately the fire were diminishing because of the overwhelming burden.
Second, other people may say, 'Why don't we bribe the guards so we can go through the wall via forbidden 'staff only' door?' The purpose is maintained, but the moral is somehow compromised. The tendency is to justify all methods in order to achieve the goals. The case shows a success in preserving the goals, but a failure in preserving the ethics. The truth is this: Goals without ethics are barbaric. To be honest with you, religion without morality is one of the most dangerous creatures in our world today. God loves and requires both commitments: (1) we are to live in his purpose and (2) we are to live according to his values. One cannot be left out from the other. Goals and values should go hand in hand harmoniously to reflect the remarkable plan of our mighty creator.
Third, some others may also argue, 'Why don't we lower the quality of our product?' Our plan is to have a winter holiday in Hawaii, but our budget is very limited. The options are three. One, we choose to go to a cheaper destination. It may not be as fantastic as Hawaii, but well, it is okay. Two, we delay the holiday until next year. Hopefully our saving will be better enough by next winter. What we need is simply to be patient for another year. Three, we do extra hours work to collect more money in order to depart for a warm Hawaii this winter. We may be discomfort right now, but we will enjoy the warm sunny beach of Hawaii this year. All alternatives are not wrong in the business of planning trip to Hawaii. In the service of God however, we are called not to be perfect but to be excellent. The rule is this: no second best will please God. Sometimes we may need to shift and to lower our irrational dream. Sometimes we may need to delay the due date for accomplishing our dream. But many times, we simply need to add effort and labor in order to produce the best fruits in the right season. What many of us are unwilling to do is to paying the price. We are desperate for extraordinary quality but we are unwilling to pay the appropriate expenses. To bargain the price is to compromise the quality.
In Lk 9.51, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. The Samaritans refuse to welcome him because he was heading for Jerusalem (Lk 9.53). Jesus' goal is Jerusalem. For Jesus, Jerusalem was different from Hawaii. Jerusalem for Jesus was not a land of pleasures, but a place of tortures. Jesus uncommonly did not change his mind and direction. The wall was so huge. He will be brutally persecuted and inhumanly killed in Jerusalem, but Jesus never shifted and compromised his destination. The opportunity to flee from travelling to Jerusalem was there, but Jesus did not take any advantage of the situation.
Did he try to persuade the Samaritans by telling a lie? If Jesus were to tell the Samaritans that he were not a Jew, the village might be widely open for him. If Jesus were to tell the Samaritans that he were on a journey to Ephraim, the village surely would be open for him. The answer is 'No.' Jesus did not compromised the ethics in achieving the goal. While for most of us, difficulties serve as temptation to sin against the morals of the Kingdom, Jesus was faithful to the obey the rules.
Instead of changing his destination or compromising his values, Jesus opted to pass different village to accomplish his mission. The distance might be farther. There was a need of more time, more energy, more labor and certainly more efforts. The cost was more expensive. The journey through the other village will likely be more burdensome, stressful and tiring. Jesus however stick the purpose set by his Father. His obedience is complete and total. In Jesus, there was no compromise in destination, in values and in quality. He gave all the best he could to accomplish the will of his Father. Will you and I follow the path of Jesus?
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