Wednesday, November 09, 2011


'I am convinced even more that our freedom to react is greater than our freedom to act' (Prasadja, October 2, 2011)
'Biblical happiness is passive happiness: YOU ARE BLESSED!' (Prasadja, October 2, 2011)
'Drinking coffee on a regular basis can keep a smile on your face' (Metro, October 4th, 2011)
This certainly is an unusual rare unrivaled commencement address offered by Apple's co-founder, the late Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) at Stanford University. Jobs offers extraordinary wisdom from his ordinary words and stories. Enjoy the speech: Stay hungry! - Stay foolish! (October 5, 2011)
'Revenge satisfies no one' (Prasadja, October 10, 2011)
'Although grace is sufficient, pain is real' (my paraphrase of a statement made in our prayer meeting) (October 12, 2011)
'Two prominent reasons why men should appreciate, respect and love their wives: 1) They have taken a big risk to entrust their lives to individuals completely different from them and previously unknown to them; and 2) They have been so dedicated in raising up and loving the kids in the family' (Prasadja, October 12, 2011)
I am reading this challenging book and am eager to learn from understanding its message (October 13, 2011)
'Berbagai doa makan yang sering saya dengar: 1) Bersyukur atas makanan yang telah tersedia; 2) Berkati orang-orang miskin yang tidak dapat makan; 3) Berkati dengan limpah mereka yang telah menyediakan makanan ini; 4) Kuduskan dan berkati makanan ini - maksudnya kira-kira bebaskan dari segala racun dan bahaya; 5) Kiranya makanan ini dapat menguatkan tubuh kami - kira-kira maksudnya supaya tidak saja kenyang, tapi juga sehat; 6) Tolonglah kami untuk dapat menikmati makanan ini; 7) Biarlah makanan yang sedikit ini boleh mengenyangkan semua yang hadir - ingat 2 ikan dan 5 roti; 8) Doa yang panjang sampai akhirnya ketika 'amin' diucapkan, ternyata lupa berdoa untuk acara makannya' (Prasadja, October 15, 2011)
'Listening skill is likely much more important than speaking skill' (Prasadja, October 19, 2011)
‘I am not what I wear; I am not what I say, I am not what I do, I am not what I accomplished – but I am my legacy’ (Prasadja, October 21, 2011)
'After two months of school, more frequent have I heard Keiko said: 'I do not understand what you are saying, Dad!' - Early sign of cultural and linguistic gap between daughter and daddy' (Prasadja, October 21, 2011)
'Lately Elliott has been improving significantly in his vocabulary. One of them is 'psssstttt' - every time he heard daddy is singing' (Prasadja, October 21, 2011)
A very good friend of mine told me a precious wisdom: 'If you begin with humility, you will never go wrong' (Prasadja, October 24, 2011)
'My major enemies as someone who lives in early third millennium AD: narrow mindedness, one sided judgment, and self righteous mentality' (Prasadja, October 31, 2011)