Friday, June 24, 2011


'Life is an endless school. subsequently, a school should enable and empower her students to live the God granted lives unregretfully' (Prasadja, January 6, 2010)
'Why do plants need to be watered? Perhaps they are thirsty? Perhaps they are dirty? Perhaps they are smelly? Perhaps they are sleepy? But most likely we water the plants because of our unconscious and sometimes selfish habit. Now ask ourselves: Why do we pray? Why do we go to church? Why do we tithe? Why do we fast?' (Prasadja, January 7, 2010)
'I have not met you, but I already miss you!' (Prasadja, January 8, 2010)
'Reading is a very important skill' (Prasadja, January 8, 2010)
'I just finished my quick lunch, and my daughter who was ready to take a nap shouted from the second floor: 'Dad, I smell noodle - Are you eating noodle?' Amazing sense of smell?' (Prasadja, January 11, 2010)
 'The grand of true intercession: Loving God and loving others wholeheartedly!' (Prasadja, January 11, 2010)
'Prayer Request: Keep Haiti as one of your tops prayer priority' (Prasadja, January 13, 2010)
'Keiko told me that she was taught how to play golf at school - thing that was totally alien to me when I was her age' (January 20, 2010)
'Is reality real?' (Prasadja, January 23, 2010)
'School of life #1: The purpose of your life is NOT you' (Prasadja, January 25, 2010)
'School of life #2: You are your legacy' (Prasadja, January 25, 2010)
'School of life #3: There is no discipline without forgiveness; They go hand in hand' (Prasadja, January 26, 2010)
'School of life #4: Conscience outworking of faith' (Prasadja, January 26, 2010)
'10 most intimate moments with Keiko are 1) putting her to sleep; 2) walking around with her; 3) driving her to school; 4) reading a story for her; 5) playing badminton with her; 6) drying her hair; 7) feeding her; 8) bathing her; 9) singing and dancing after her; 10) hugging her after crying' (Prasadja, January 29, 2010)