Friday, June 24, 2011


What is the true weight of the term 'foolish obedience'? the foolishness or the obedience? (Prasadja, October 8, 2010)
Suffering from an extreme loneliness. Even God seems to be very far away. It is shocking but real (Prasadja, October 9, 2010)
Keiko is not a baby anymore (December 4, 2010)
'There is no complicated problem (singular); A problem is always simple - Only inter related-problems (plural) may be complicated' (Prasadja, December 16, 2010)
'God's extraordinary humility, His love for us, and His presence among us are remembered and celebrated through the sending of His only begotten Son: The Word became flesh' (Prasadja, December 16, 2010)
ODB-RBC: Leonard Ravenhill (1907–1994), a British evangelist, once said, 'The greatest miracle God can do today is take an unholy man out of an unholy world, make that man holy, then put him back into that unholy world and keep him holy in it.' - What a stunning statement? (December 16, 2010)
'Even if I were to live twice, I would have not been able to love her as she had been loving me' (Prasadja, December 22, 2010 - on Mother's Day)
'If the biggest enemy of you is you yourself, who then is the second biggest enemy of you? That question helps us to be a more realistic human being' (Prasadja, December 22, 2010)
‎'Where is Christ on your CHRISTmas celebration?' (Prasadja, December 24, 2010)
'I believe in the sun, even when it is not shinning. I believe in love even when I don't feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent.' (unknown) (December 25, 2010)
'Genuine FAITH is growing towards FAITHfulness' (Prasadja, December 29, 2010)
'Many people thank God for his kindness through the year of 2010 via FB - Do you think God has an account in FB? If he does: Does he open FB often enough?' (Prasadja, December 30, 2010)
'Please find the sharp differences between 'for ever' and 'every day' if any' (Prasadja, December 31, 2010)