Friday, June 24, 2011


'The most important and immediate responses and commitments upon seeing the glorious splendor of God and His mighty deeds is to give Him glory and praise. A praise to God is not simply an act to please Him, but also an act to proclaim Him publicly. A genuine praise to God is a direct invitation for others to join the worship of a splendid glorious awesome God' (Prasadja, January 1, 2011 - on Psalm 145)
With former student, pastor and very good friend, Wim Brataatmaja (January 4, 2011)

'What we perceive as faith often says: God will open doors, even the closed ones. This faith seldom say: God will close doors, even the opened ones' (Prasadja, January 5, 2011)
'PAIN AND PRAISE IN PSALM 146' is a new post now available in my blog. I invite you to come, visit and hopefully enjoy ( (January 6, 2011)
Two short posts on prayer are available in my blog ( I may add some more posts on prayers this week - no promise though. Enjoy and use them to accompany your prayer life (January 11, 2011)
The reflection on prayers are enriched by three fresh posts last night. These posts are relatively short, practical and light. I still think to add 3 or 4 more reflections on that topic, but am not sure if time and energy allow ( (January 12, 2011)
The 7 inspiring posts on prayers are finally completed. You are invited to be enlightened through the reading of the fresh arguments presented. I posted them with a hope to bring the basic meaning of prayer back to a habit that we may have already been practicing for centuries ( (January 13, 2011)
'Tips for first year seminarians and fresh seminary graduates: We need to study hard, but we need to worship God harder' (Someone told me few days ago; Modifications are mine) (Prasadja, January 15, 2011)
My driving experience in BC is not too incredible. I drove car in BC only for two weeks on last Christmas holiday, and another week in 1996. I got my license days before Christmas. The intense process of getting the license and of familiarizing myself with BC traffic produced not only a confidence, but also a reflection that may help us to drive not only our car, but also our precious lives ( (January 16, 2011)
An appealing message was delivered on last Sunday: 'We may have to fight hard to be the strongest, the fastest, the highest, the biggest, the richest, etc. Once we reach that top levels, we have to fight harder to stay humble' (January 18, 2011)
What is not there when God is there? - A retrospective question (January 19, 2011)
On my soccer play with Keiko, I made a beautiful 'ala Beckham' goal. Immediately I shouted, 'This is the best shot of the year!' Keiko instantly replied, 'I will make a more best shot daddy!' I tried to correct her grammar saying that there is no 'more best' in English. Suddenly she responded, 'Then I will make the bestest shot of the year!' Her spirit of excellence is too obvious! (Prasadja, January 19, 2011)
'ATTAINING THE GREATEST PERFORMANCES IN LIFE' is available fresh in For Keiko, the best is not the end yet. The next step are a 'more best' and the 'bestest.' There seems to be no limit in attaining and growing into excellence. The real question, as Keiko challenged me this evening is: 'Will you step in that level of life?' (Prasadja, January 19, 2011)
My email address was hacked by unidentified person. If you received any emails with inapprropriate contents from my email address, simply ignore. I changed my password already, and hopefuly the problem will be solved within less than 24 Hours. Sorry for the inconvenience (January 20, 2011)
Will particularity and universality go hand in hand? (Prasadja, January 23, 2011)

'Feeling at home: Norma Marion Alloway Library, Trinity Western University' (January 24, 2011) 

An unknown gentleman approached us this afternoon kindly granting us four bottles of organic orange juice. What a blessing from above (January 26, 2011)
At the wall of Don Bosco Youth Center, Surrey, British Columbia (January 26, 2011)

The title of the book is so provoking, yet the question is valid (Prasadja, January 27, 2011)

Here are some of the biggest miisconceptions about grief: 1) We grief in stages; 2) Express it - Don't repress it; 3) Grief is harder on woman; 4) Grief never ends; 5) Counseling helps (Time, Jan 24, 2011) (January 27, 2011)
Mommy was singing Ps 90.1-2. Keiko said, 'More mommy! More!' Daddy was singing Ps 27.1-2. Keiko closed her ears with both hands. Mommy said, 'Thank you Keiko for being honest!' (January 27, 2011)
The Religion of Jesus and the tests of Christian Leadership' is available at (January 29, 2011)
'It took only one day to take the Israelites out of Egypt, but it took 40 years to take out (the spirit of) Egypt from the Israelites' (a thoughtful sermon from a friend of mine this morning) (January 30, 2011)